Monday, December 10, 2007


Here I sit, wading in...homework. A touch overwhelmed, and my grades are beginning to show it. Am seriously considering lowering my academic standards. I figure I can, since I set them. And also considering what they were before. (Use your imagination, or think back to how serious you were at 18.) Ugh.

At any rate, I decided a lonnnnggg time ago that if I set my standards low, it's much better for my self esteem and even gives me bragging rights. After all, failing is such a drag. Of course this blog entry now means I can never let my kids see this site. Must destroy all evidence... anywho, all you underachievers, show your face. We can start a losers club. I'll be president. Until I get back on track, that is. Until then, a happy mediocrity to you!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Maybe it is just this time of year!!! I am also lacking motivation in my life in general right now!!!