Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I Bring you Good Tidings of...

Great Joy.

Unless you already know the tidings, have been reminded of said tidings and are being nagged with these now old, redundant and tarnished tidings. For those of you in this category, my apologies. You can skip to the next blog coming soon (hey! It's a relative term, ok. get off my back already---Don't frown, just kidding. Really.)

For the rest of you, our Adoption, Sealing and Blessing of Andrew dates are set. They are:

Adoption - Friday, December 21, 1:30pm.
Sealing - Friday, December 28, 5:00pm at the Timpanogos Temple (be there half an hour early.)
Blessing - Sunday, December 30, 9:00 am.

We are so excited! If you know us well enough to be reading this blog, you are invited to the Sealing and Blessing (we'd iinvite you to the adoption, but we figure that's overkill.)

Can't wait!


Jenny said...

Hooray! We are planning on being at the sealing, but can't make the blessing as that's the day of my brother's mission homecoming. I'm so excited for you!

Laura said...

Very exciting. We should be there at the sealing! Can't wait!!!